Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Ikhlaskan hati, kurangkan daki.

Since that almost everyone seems to talk about "Oh My English", included Adam, my little cute niece who just arrived from Chicago last 4 days. 
So, unsurprisingly, i also going to share what i just found out, which is so History Channel.

In the end of this activity you will make a clear cut about the words lend and borrow.
If you lend, you give, allow, or permits someone to use something with the expectation that the person will return the thing or things to you.

If you borrow, you receive, get, or take something from someone with the expectation that you will return the thing or things to the person.

(Iman) (Iman's Barbie doll) (Ika)

Iman is lending the Barbie doll to Ika.
Ika is borrowing the Barbie doll from Iman.

There is, however, a problem with lending - the failure to return materials with sincerity.


Sebelum gigi susu aku tumbuh lagi ibu, abah, abang-abang, kakak-kakak, bibik dan saudara mara sudah key in  ayat ini ke dalam otak aku yang pada ketika itu seperti span kering,
'' Benda pinjam, harus dipulangkan."

Tiada barang yang kekal melainkan pahala, dosa dan ibadah kita lakukan di muka bumi ini.

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